This series is for inquirers who are interested in learning what the Church believes. In this series of 12 lectures Mr. Anderson takes a different phrase each time from the Nicene Creed to explain what the church has believed from the beginning. The Nicene Creed was written at the first Ecumenical Council in 325 AD. This creed has been the major statements of faith for the Church ever since. Each lecture is followed by a question and answer time.
Introduction "Beyond Belief Come and See"
What We Believe about the Bible
Note: This talk was given in 1993,
prior to the release of "The Orthodox Study Bible"
What We Believe about God the Father
What We Believe about the Creation and the Fall
What We Believe about the Incarnation
What We Believe about Redemption
What We Believe about the Resurrection
What We Believe about the Holy Spirit
This series was given to a class of catechumens at St. Peter and St. Paul Orthodox Church in Ben Lomond, CA. This series goes into greater detail than the What We Believe series. There are 14 lectures, each followed by an extensive question and answer session.